Legacy uranium enrichment facilities in Piketon, Ohio, and Paducah, Kentucky, are undergoing deactivation and decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) to return the property for beneficial reuse.
BGS developed Nuclear Criticality Safety (NCS) evaluations and analyses to allow for safe characterization and deactivation activities at the former uranium enrichment facilities including developing the basis for criticality incredible. BGS supported the development of the basis for facility step-out from nuclear Hazard Category 2 to less than Hazard Category-3 based on the determination of criticality incredible and consequence analysis results determined for off-site exposures. BGS personnel also supported the development of the criticality incredible determinations for the Piketon on-site waste disposal cell and associated leachate containment and treatment systems.
BGS staff reviewed and provided recommendations related to the strategy for criticality incredible evaluations and development of DSAs, NCS methodologies, and Nuclear Safety Program requirements associated with D&D operations; prepared safety documentation; prepared safety basis changes, nuclear safety evaluations, Unreviewed Safety Question Determinations, and Unreviewed Safety Question Determination Screenings; and performed inspections and assessed hazards.