BGS is accelerating the pace of next-generation nuclear energy technology, R&D, and domestic isotope production, by providing nuclear technology services and expertise to clients in the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, NASA, and the commercial nuclear sector.
BGS has more than 90 highly experienced personnel involved with nuclear technology projects and operations. Our work spans from regulatory approaches including development of guidelines and standards for nuclear safety engineering analysis, to establishing rigorous safety bases and design criteria for new technologies and facilities to ensure safe, efficient operation. BGS experts provide the insight and innovation needed to address licensing and operational strategies for a new generation of nuclear technologies and operations.
Nuclear Safety Engineering
- Licensing support
- Integrated safety analysis
- Safety basis development
- Nuclear criticality safety
Specialized Design Engineering
- Design analysis and calculations
- Mechanical, electrical/I&C, and structural design
- Fabrication oversight and testing
- NQA-1 and ISO 9001 programs
Work Highlights
BGS provides engineering and technology support for research, development, and testing facilities while ensuring safety, security, and improved operational effectiveness. Examples include:
Engineering Design
Engineering design and project management for the new centrifuge uranium enrichment technology, being developed by ORNL.
Integrated Safety Analysis Preparation
Integrated safety analysis and criticality safety for molten salt reactor fuel, being developed to support a new advanced reactor design.
Engineering design for a new TRISO fuel manufacturing facility that supports a high temperature, gas-cooled small, modular reactor design.
Design, criticality safety, export control, and licensing strategy for TRISO fuel manufacturing for a new micro reactor design.
Safety and licensing strategy support for scale-up of a new, domestic medical isotope production process.
Criticality safety and design support for accident tolerant fuel designs for GE-Hitachi/Global Nuclear Fuels.
Engineering design and trade studies for Idaho National Laboratory’s National Reactor Innovation Center, molten salt reactor test bed.
Case Study: Conceive the Future: Option analyses and pre-conceptual planning for nuclear technology expansion.
Challenge Clients pursuing new technical, operational, or facility modifications in the nuclear sector often need conceptual studies that can provide an understanding of facility and equipment requirements, programmatic and operational risks, cost estimates, and...
Case Study: Making NASA Missions Safer by Developing Launch Safety Standards for Radioisotope Powered Systems
Challenge Radioisotope power systems provide heat and electricity to the spacecraft and equipment, particularly in the exploration of planetary surfaces like Mars, where it may be the only power source available. However, the presence of radioactive material requires...